If you are struggling with finding your purpose during college or even throughout your career, don’t stress. You have time. This is the sign you have been looking for. Don’t rush through life or force it! Focus on the meaningful…
15 Valentine’s Day Gifts for Her (or yourself!)
I love Valentine’s day because it is a day we get to truly celebrate all of the love in our lives. Valentines day is also my favorite because even the most simple of gifts can be enough to show you…
5 Inspirational Books That You Need to Read This Year
If you’re like me, you just love reading self-help books, inspirational books and other types of motivational content. Sometimes you need a new source of inspiration to get you going. Here are a few books that have impacted my life…
5 Great Part-Time Jobs That Can Get You Through College!
I worked my way through my entire 4.5 years in college, mostly with temporary or part-time jobs. Along with scholarships from my good grades in high school, I was able to fund my college education and graduate debt free! If…
Music You Need to Add to Your Study Playlist!
Sometimes the same lo-fi beats on Spotify can get boring and old. Sometimes we just need something new to muffle the voices in our heads that are telling us not to study. I get it! I’ve been there too many…