Early morning routines can be difficult! I have worked so hard to find the right routine and systems that work for me. Keeping a morning routine is crucial for starting off your day at school or work right. It is important to set yourself up for success each day by maintaining your mental and physical health.
Your morning routine determines how your day will go! Your nutrition, mental state, and early morning accomplishments can help you achieve greatness throughout your day and even overall week. I think it is important to have regularity in your mornings, but also something enjoyable that you can look forward to each day.
Here are some of the things that I love to incorporate into my morning routine! Pick and choose which ones work best for you, and let me know in the comments what you love to do in the morning to get ready for school or work.
1) Use the bathroom and drink a large glass of water immediately after waking up
This may seem obvious, but it is one of those things that can be easy to forget! A large glass of water in the morning helps start your day by encouraging proper organ function, and it also helps you cross off a glass for the day!
2) Complete a ten minute full body stretch
I worked really hard to manage my sleep hygiene, but my body is always super tight when I wake up in the morning. Stretching helps me loosen up my muscles and joints and gets me ready to tackle the day with a healthy body and mind. Here is one of my favorite stretching routines by my favorite fitness instructor, Blogilates! I also love her videos for when I work-out each day.
3) Workout for 30 minutes in the morning instead of after school or work
Working out in the morning has many benefits because it helps you wake up and feel energized for the day. I find that a 30 minute workout is all I need, and I like to incorporate stretching or yoga into that 30 minutes. As I mentioned above, Blogilates is one of my favorite fitness instructors online. She has some great videos for workouts under 30 minutes that you should try!
4) Read some of your favorite motivational quotes
Motivational quotes always put me in a positive, can-do mindset. Set some intentional time aside each morning, even just two minutes, to read through the quotes that make you excited to start your day.

5) Budget enough time to sit down to eat a well-balanced breakfast… and drink some caffeine!
I think that it is very important for your mental health to sit and reflect on the day ahead while sipping on your morning coffee or tea. By taking some time for yourself each morning, you are able to destress while also energizing yourself. It may seem cheesy, but I love to sit with a hot coffee and read something printed on paper, whether it is a newspaper or a book.
6) Listen to upbeat music while you get ready
This may seem like a no-brainer, but it is something that you can often forget to do each morning. I love listening to upbeat music in the morning because it puts me in the absolute best mood. Find what genres you enjoy, and get to it!
7) Put yourself together each morning, whether that includes choice of clothing, make-up, or hairstyle
I fully support being who you are and living a natural lifestyle with limited makeup, but I also support getting ready in the morning and looking your best! I think that when you look your best, you will feel your best. Take a look at what makes you happy and feel the most alive. Is that with your hair up or curled? With a full face of make-up or just mascara? Clothing that makes you feel professional or lighthearted and fun? I believe that how you feel you look on the outside truly does reflect how you feel on the inside, when it comes to confidence in your schoolwork or job duties.
What is your morning routine like? Do you think you will incorporate any of these into your own routine? Let me know in the comments!
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